Elementary Core Curriclum Resources

The Hatboro-Horsham School District has adopted the resources linked below to support learning in ELA, Math, Science and Social Studies in grades K-5.

Additional curriculum overviews can be found here and information regarding our supplementary digital resources can be found here.

English Language Arts


University of Florida Literacy Institute (UFLI) Foundations is an explicit and systematic program that teaches students the foundational skills necessary for proficient reading. It follows a carefully developed scope and sequence designed to ensure that students systematically acquire each skill needed and learn to apply each skill with automaticity and confidence. The program is designed to be used for core instruction in the primary grades or for intervention with struggling students in any grade.

UFLI Family Resource Hub

Into Reading Logo

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt’s Into Reading curriculum is based on research in the essential elements of literacy. Robust assessment data give teachers the information they need to differentiate reading instruction and monitor student progress toward literacy goals. Teachers have access to more award-winning, high-interest texts for whole-class shared reading than any other core program. These titles help students to build background knowledge and are available in print and digitally.

HMH Family Resource Hub


Bridges in Math Logo

Bridges in Mathematics is a comprehensive K-5 curriculum that is rigorous, coherent, engaging, and accessible to all learners. It weaves together the standards for content and practice in ways that support student learning by encouraging students to explore, develop, test, discuss, and apply ideas.

Grade level and Unit overviews

Bridges Family Support


Foss Logo

FOSS lessons help teachers reach all students through phenomena that are local and relevant, and the phenomenon is framed within a logical context so that every student can recognize its significance as it is introduced. This student-centered approach ultimately honors the spirit of the standards better by ensuring that all learners can make sense of phenomena and solve problems. In this way, FOSS makes science accessible and equitable for every student in every classroom.

Foss Program Overview

Social Studies

Inquire Ed Logo

In InquirED's Inquiry Journeys, students learn the foundational social studies topics of history, civics, geography, and economics through a process known as inquiry-based learning. The inquiry process engages students’ drive to discover, their need to question, and their ability to create solutions that transform the world around them. Beginning with a compelling question, students are asked to research, examine historical evidence, and think critically to draw conclusions before finding ways to apply their learning. 

InquirED Overview Resources