Scout Opportunities

Scene depicting workers in a forest environment, engaged in various tasks like logging.

Scouts have been an instrumental part of the Jarrett Nature Center since the very beginning. Helping with trail enhancements, clearing invasive plants, cleanups, construction and many other worthwhile endeavors.  Eagle Scouts, Girl Scouts, and others have completed many service projects over the years that have benefited the the nature center and surrounding habitat! The JNC offers a unique learning opportunity for all scout groups to experience nature in an interactive environment.

 We do hope you consider the Jarrett Nature Center if you need to:

  • complete community service hours

  • plan a specific outing for your Scout group

  • earn your next rank by performing a specific service project

  • fulfill badge requirements (Nature, Forestry, Environmental Science, etc)

  • get help in planning an Eagle Scout project or Girl Scout award

For more information or to schedule a meeting, please contact Deanna Martin, JNC Coordinator at

Before starting a project, this form must be signed and returned to the JNC Coordinator.

Scout Projects Completed at the JNC