ImPACT Testing
ImPACT baseline testing is now completed remotely. If you need to take the ImPACT test, you must email me and then I will have ImPACT email you a link to access to the test. It will be sent to the STUDENTS School email unless they'change their contact email in ATS. The email will be generated from ImPACT (Not Me). The email will come from Email ImpACT testing support . The ImPACT baseline test has to be done on a computer. (Phones are not allowed). The following includes who is required to complete ImPACT baseline testing. Please note there is not a general 'link' that a student can go to take the test. Each email and link is specific to each student. Please email me if you need to complete ImpACT @ Email Stephan Lipinski A.T., C
Impact test emails to those on current fall rosters (that need it), have been sent on or around June 20th. Make sure to check your junk folder.
The Test must be done on a computer.
When you are emailed the link for the test please read the directions and watch the info video.
When asked for your impact passport ID click skip validation
Fall Sports that must complete ImPACT baseline testing:
Boys Soccer
Girls Soccer
Field Hockey
Students that need to take the ImPACT baseline test.
Every Freshman and Junior Must take it, no matter if they previous have taken it.
Any Sophomore or Senior that did not take ImPact in the pervious school year here at HHHS. (This includes new transfers and students that did not play a sport last school year.)
If a student does not receive an email from ImPACT, please email me ASAP to resolve the situation. We may need to send the link to an alternate address.
A student does not need to take the ImPACT baseline test multiple times in the same year.
Winter Sports that require ImPACT testing:
Boys Basketball
Girls Basketball
Spring Sports that require ImPACT testing:
Boys Lacrosse
Girls Lacrosse