Medication Policy

The Hatboro-Horsham School District permits the administration of prescribed medication to a student during school hours only when failure to take such medication would jeopardize the health of the student or the student would not be able to attend school if the medication were not available during school hours. Parents should confer with the child’s physician to arrange medication time intervals to avoid school hours whenever possible. No student is to keep any medication in his/her locker or school bag, lunch box or pockets unless authorized by the school nurse. Physician and parent permission are required for all medication dispensed in the health office.

When medication absolutely must be given during school hours, these rules will be followed:

  1. No medication will be administered in school without a physician’s written order and parent permission.

  2. All medication must be in the original container, properly labeled, with the student’s name on it. NO MEDICATION will be accepted in an envelope or baggy.

  3. Under standing orders from the school physician, Tylenol (acetaminophen) and tums (antacid) may be administered by the nurse according to the age and weight of the student. Permission for administering Tylenol or Tums (Ibuprofen at the middle and high school only) must be signed by the parent/guardian on the EMERGENCY FORM.

  4. Concerning controlled medication such as Ritalin, Dexedrine, Prozac etc.- any change in the original physician order must be made by the physician in writing. Under no circumstances will a parent alone dictate a change in a controlled substance order.

  5. "One, two, or three times a day” medication should be given at home unless specifically ordered to be given at a certain time. A parent may come to school and administer medication to their child.

  6. Medication administration will be recorded in the nursing sapphire program and paper administration form if necessary.

Self-Administered Medication

If a student needs to keep an inhaler or an Epi-Pen on their person, in the classroom, or in the health room, the following requirements must be met:

  1. Parent/guardian and physician must complete the medication permission form.

  2. If the student is to administer the medication as needed, the physician must also sign the bottom portion of the form. This signature verifies that the student has been instructed on usage of the inhaler or Epi-Pen and is capable of administering the medication to themself.

  3. School Nurse will review with the student and complete the student skills assessment sheet

  4. The student must tell the nurse as soon as possible when the medication was taken. If An Epi-pen Needs To Be Administered, The Nurse Should Be Contacted Immediately.

Transportation of Medication to School

It is the responsibility of the parent  to deliver and pick up all student medications that require administration during the school day directly to the nurse's office.  No student should deliver or pick up medications to/from the nurse's office.  Together, the parent and school nurse will count controlled medications and the amount of medication received will be documented on the Student Medication Count Sheet.

 It is the responsibility of the parent to pick up all medications at the end of the school year.  No medication will be given to a student by the school nurse to take home.

Any medication that is not picked up by the parent  from the nurse's office at the end of the school year will be discarded.

Medication Permission Form