School Forms and State Requirements
Health Care Plans
State Requirements
Immunizations Are Required By The Pennsylvania Department Of Health For School Attendance
All school immunizations are due by the first day of school.
Exclusion From School
Failure to provide these immunizations by the deadline will result in school exclusion until immunization requirements are met.
Exclusion will occur within the first 5 days of school if immunizations are incomplete or given at incorrect intervals.
For Attendance In All Grades, children need the following:
4 doses of tetanus, diphtheria and acellular pertussis* (1 dose on or after the 4th birthday)
4 doses of polio (4th dose on or after 4th birthday and at least 6 months after previous dose)
2 doses of measles, mumps and rubella**
3 doses of hepatitis B
2 doses of varicella (chicken pox) or evidence of immunity
Usually given as DTP or DTaP or DT or Td
Usually given as MMR
For Attendance In 7th through 12th GRADE, children need the following:
1 dose of tetanus, diphtheria, acellular pertussis (Tdap) if 5 years have elapsed since last tetanus immunization
2 doses of meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV)
First dose is given 11-15 years of age; a second dose is required at age 16 or entry into 12th grade
If the dose was given at 16 years of age or older, only one dose is required.
Physical Examination: Required for all school age children upon original entry into school, in 6th grade and again in 11th grade. This exam must be done by the first day of school and submitted to the School Nurse. A copy is kept in the student's health record.
Dental Examination: Required for all school age children upon original entry into school, in 3rd grade and again in 7th grade. This exam must be done by the first day of school and submitted to the School Nurse. A copy is kept in the student's health record.
Action Plans:
Students with certain medical conditions such as Anaphylaxis, Asthma, Cardiac, Diabetes, or Seizures may require an action plan if emergency or rescue medications are prescribed by the physician. The action plan and accompanying medication permission forms must be signed by the physician and parent/guardian. The medication, action plan, and medication permission forms must be submitted to the School Nurse by the first day of school.
Tuberculosis Policy:
Any student entering the United States from a country with a high incidence of Tuberculosis, according to the CDC, is required to have Tuberculosis testing done before entering school at any grade level. A parent or guardian must provide the School Nurse with a copy of the Tuberculosis testing done upon entry into the United States. If a copy is not available, then the student will be required to have new testing done.
Students who travel to a country with a high incidence of Tuberculosis and remain in the country for 90 days or more are also required to have testing done for Tuberculosis upon their return to the US.
A tuberculosis test is also required for new employees of the district. If the employee is under the age of 18, they must have a permission slip signed by a parent/ guardian before testing can be done.