Support the Jarrett Nature Center
The Jarrett Nature Center largely relies on volunteers to help maintain the property beyond the normal mowing and upkeep that the operations department provides. If you need volunteer hours and enjoy being outdoors, please consider helping out the JNC! From regular tasks like trail maintenance to special projects that help the JNC's mission, the opportunities are endless. We welcome your ideas for improving the nature center as well!
Green Up Days
Community members interested in nature, plants, education or just being outside please join us in maintaining our Outdoor Classroom!
Great opportunity for students to get volunteer hours, and community members to meet others with similar interests!
Meet at the Jarrett Nature Center sheds.
Check JNC website, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter for weather cancellations
Wear closed toed shoes, long pants, bring refillable water bottle, bug spray, gloves (if you have them) and a snack!
The Jarrett Nature Center is for the students and the community to learn and enjoy. We appreciate your help in taking care of it!

Community & Corporate Service Groups
We welcome businesses, community groups, scout troops, and other organizations to the Jarrett Nature Center to assist with general maintenance activities or specific projects that will benefit the nature center and its visitors. Reach out to our coordinator to schedule a private "Green Up" day or volunteer event just for your group!

Special Projects
If you are a scout troop looking for a group project to work on, an Eagle Scout in need of a final project, or an individual or group with the skills and time to help us out, consider some of our ideas and needs listed below. We welcome your ideas to improve the JNC as well! Reach out to our coordinator if you are interested in any of these projects or if you have one of your own. Read more about how Scouts can help the JNC here.
JNC Project Wishlist:
Chimney Swift House- The chimney swift population is in decline and can use our help! Unfortunately, these beautiful birds do not nest in traditional bird houses. Instead, they nest and roost in chimneys and tall hollow trees. Help add to our bird habitat by creating a nesting site that these birds will love! Many sites online provide directions on building one.

Floating Island- Help improve our pond habitat by building a floating island! Our pond is small, so this project isn't as big as it sounds. Nonetheless, it can make a big difference to our pond's inhabitants and water quality by providing a way for the water to be filtered naturally by wetland and aquatic plants.

Nature Playscape- By the sheds is a small area we keep sectioned off as a nature plaNature playscapes offer a chance for children to play among natural elements (think stumps, logs, boulders, etc) without the manufactured toys you'd find at home or a traditional playground. They're also maintained in such a way that they're safer than allowing children to play off the trails in the forest. Our playscape area could use some attention though! Help us clean out the weeds and design a fun, natural playscape that our preschoolers and kindergarteners will love! This could include moving logs to work as balance beams, creating stone mazes for little ones to follow, stumps set up in a line for jumping across, or setting up branches to work as a teepee. If you have carpentry skills, how about a mud kitchen? The ideas are endless and nature provides many of the supplies needed! Search online for inspiration and use your imagination to transform this boring mulched area into something amazing!
The Jarrett Nature Center welcomes donations of bird food and native plants to support the natural habitats that make up the nature center. Please contact the Coordinator for more information.
We are grateful to any individuals, families, or organizations interested in providing funds to help run programs and maintain the property at the Jarrett Nature Center. Please View Hatboro-Horsham Educational Foundation for more information on how to support our mission.